Founded in 1985, Peacock is a family owned business that is proud of its legacy of providing value innovation to growers.
Peacock was founded by farmer and entrepreneur Neil Wagner on his farm north of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Neil set out to address the challenges on his own farm and soon others begun to request his services, and Peacock was born.
Today, Peacock has grown to offer an expanding product portfolio with a market presence across Canada, USA and South America. We continue the never ending pursuit of value innovation and only offer superior products to our customers that are based on a foundation of solid science and supported by consistent performance.


Peacock was incorporated in 1985 by founder Neil Wagner in Hague, Saskatchewan, Canada

Peacock Foam Marker: Before the days of GPS, the Peacock foam marker was created to aid in aligning successive passes in the field and ensure consistent and economical applications

Dual Precision Air Seeder: Peacock manufactured and sold one of the first commercially available air seeders in North America

The Peacock Solar Dryer was again one of the first products within Canada to offer completely solar powered grain drying solutions

A new facility was built to enable Peacock to offer solutions within crop protection and plant care

Eco Bran insecticide bait is launched as the first of many crop input solutions that will span a timeframe of 35 years and counting

At its core Peacock believes in building upon a foundation of solid science. Recent investments in state of the art facilities, field plots and fermentation and formulation expertise ensures we act on this belief